State Management: Reactive and Non-Reactive Approach, Practical Examples, Bloc, Riverpod
State management is a crucial aspect in application development, and in this post, we will explore the differences between reactive and non-reactive approaches. We’ll use practical examples to illustrate the concepts, focusing on implementing solutions with Bloc and Riverpod in Flutter. We’ll also delve into the efficiency of both approaches and their impact on the user side.
Reactive vs Non-Reactive Approach
Reactive Approach
The reactive approach in state management relies on automatic propagation of changes. When the state changes, the relevant elements are automatically updated. This approach is performance-efficient, reducing the need for manual updates and providing an immediate response to the user.
Non-Reactive Approach
The non-reactive approach requires manual intervention to update elements when the state changes. The affected objects are not automatically notified of changes. This approach may involve more complexity in managing updates and could require more resources in certain situations.
Practical Examples with Bloc and Riverpod
Bloc (Business Logic Component)
Bloc is a state management pattern based on events and states. Blocs separate business logic from presentation, ensuring a clean and maintainable structure. This approach is efficient in large applications where complex data flows need to be managed.
Riverpod is a state management library based on Provider, with clear and declarative syntax. In this example, we use Riverpod to create a counter state. Its clear structure and efficient handling of dependencies contribute to improved code readability and maintainability.
Impact on Efficiency and User Side
The choice between reactive and non-reactive approaches has a significant impact on the application’s efficiency and user experience. Reactive approaches tend to provide more immediate responses, reducing the risk of latency and enhancing user perception. Conversely, non-reactive approaches may require manual actions to update the interface, potentially causing delays in displaying changes.
The choice between a reactive and non-reactive approach depends on the specific needs of the project and considerations regarding efficiency and user experience. Experiment with both approaches and evaluate which fits better for your application. In Flutter state management, solutions like Bloc and Riverpod offer distinct approaches, allowing you to choose the best strategy for your use case.
Happy coding!